I am a creative Editor who will listen to the Director’s ideas and inspirations for their Film and I endeavour to get under the skin and into the minds of the subject matter, whatever that happens to be, and bring my Emotional Intelligence to the film, hopefully with some playful wryness that makes the film an accessible and wonderful watch for the audience!
I have worked with many great Filmmakers from whom I have garnered so much. I started in the Sound Editing department where I learnt how so very important that process is. The enhancement a great track-lay brings to any movie, just takes it to a different level emotionally and intellectually. I did a lot of music Editing during this period and that skill has stayed with me and has been an enormous gift that I use during every Edit.
My most recent Editing work has been in Natural History film making where we pushed the boundaries of that genre. The Director, John Downer and Producer, Simon Fuller wanted the six part “Serengeti“ series for BBC/Discovery to go deeper into the minds and family dynamics of the animals that roam the plains of the Serengeti. It was my editorial mission to find the golden nuggets of behaviour that would tell their stories in a more intimate and novel way than had ever been done before. I researched, immersed myself and responded to the raw material which enabled me to draw out the strengths and build the personal narrative within the hundreds of hours of footage.
In the last 30 years I have edited Award winning Arts Documentaries and Observational Documentaries from following Matthew Collings in conversation with the Young British Artists, “This is Modern Art” to Stacey Dooley visiting Women’s Prisons in the USA, “In The USA-Girls Behind Bars”
When all is said and done, I just love to Edit and be part of a Team producing a great Filmic story.